Past Eighteen Years in USD

Past Seventeen Years at a Glance (1997- 2014) In Million US$
Sl. No. Particulars 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Exchange Rate: 1US$=Taka 45.45 48.50 51.00 54.00 57.00 57.90 58.45 60.31 65.79 69.91 68.62 68.72 69.1 70.39 79.67 80.53 77.75 77.51
1.0 Authorised Capital 11.00 10.31 9.80 9.26 8.77 8.64 8.55 8.29 7.60 7.15 7.20 50.93 50.65 49.72 43.93 43.46 128.62 129.02
2.0 Own Fund :
2.1 Paid-up Capital 5.41 5.32 5.20 5.00 4.77 4.77 4.98 5.27 4.83 4.55 4.64 5.21 7.58 7.78 7.17 7.43 9.44 10.27
2.2 Capital and Other Reserve 2.02 39.34 34.59 32.67 30.95 30.47 135.89 72.89 66.82 82.87 80.85 88.44 90.00 96.82 91.64 106.07 124.32 127.04
2.3 Miscellaneous 18.90 3.75 9.08 9.20 10.30 13.12 21.92 27.26 43.17 47.31 51.92 54.02 57.25 59.44 59.11 65.04 74.74 76.53
2.4 Total : 26.33 48.41 48.87 46.87 46.02 48.36 162.79 105.42 114.82 134.73 137.41 147.67 154.83 164.04 157.92 178.54 208.50 213.84
3.0 Deposits 109.53 107.67 108.84 113.24 125.77 154.61 227.65 345.43 482.92 634.27 758.92 940.09 1205.95 1492.02 1475.03 1630.11 1910.56 2193.28
4.0 Other Sources of Fund 28.54 13.57 15.53 7.39 3.65 2.47 1.86 59.13 51.41 53.88 82.40 91.95 105.73 102.83 110.67 146.98 164.32 168.29
5.0 Borrowings 248.47 223.42 228.24 196.83 171.60 120.52 72.08 48.02 29.14 26.53 26.13 25.19 24.16 22.57 19.17 18.19 18.05 17.30
6.0 Assets :
6.1 Loan and Advances
(Before Provision)
312.04 334.23 282.00 244.08 229.14 231.43 287.84 345.65 439.23 488.41 547.16 666.28 815.61 971.99 974.51 1032.31 1128.07 1182.34
6.2 Investment 101.21 37.26 93.86 96.83 90.23 69.45 91.27 119.81 151.80 282.42 356.54 418.07 546.32 678.46 660.39 3.32 3.43 3.44
6.3 Cash and Bank Balance 8.25 9.69 7.92 4.48 7.30 7.62 10.01 13.23 14.90 12.87 13.64 19.34 18.76 18.64 21.46 816.14 1014.41 1233.12
6.4 Fixed Assets 16.55 18.12 19.34 17.83 16.58 15.91 15.59 15.02 14.52 14.95 16.25 16.92 19.31 21.14 18.70 18.39 19.42 19.70
6.5 Other Assets 32.12 35.17 40.94 43.30 40.33 36.37 59.67 64.28 57.84 50.77 71.28 84.29 90.67 91.23 87.73 103.66 136.10 154.11
6.6 Total Assets 470.17 434.47 444.06 406.52 383.58 360.78 464.38 558.00 678.28 849.42 1004.87 1204.90 1490.67 1781.46 1762.79 1973.82 2301.43 2592.71
7.0 Own Fund as Percentage
of Loan & Advances
8% 14% 17% 19% 20% 21% 57% 30% 26% 28% 25% 22% 22% 17% 16% 17% 18% 18%
8.0 Own Fund and Deposits
as Percentage of Loan & Advances
44% 47% 56% 66% 75% 88% 136% 130% 136% 157% 164% 163% 163% 170% 168% 175% 188% 204%
9.0 Total Income (Before Provision) 62.07 62.29 61.88 55.70 55.56 52.50 61.20 77.87 112.40 134.89 155.06 174.61 209.80 252.05 267.67 311.06 350.02 374.44
10.0 Expenses :
10.1 Salaries & Other Related
20.51 22.10 23.96 21.78 19.60 19.97 21.21 20.68 25.37 28.97 36.02 43.00 55.32 65.90 62.82 64.24 72.24 79.23
10.2 Interest Expenses 19.25 18.14 20.00 18.13 18.00 15.42 18.89 26.25 34.76 49.65 65.67 79.41 102.29 131.10 133.53 149.07 175.36 193.61
10.3 Other Expenses 5.59 4.52 4.10 4.04 4.35 4.46 4.79 7.05 10.79 13.63 17.75 20.64 26.14 30.76 26.61 27.62 32.39 34.43
10.4 Provision Expenses 16.41 15.38 12.33 11.55 12.58 11.62 10.20 16.89 26.28 22.64 34.06 12.57 20.67 13.54 36.12 52.07 52.39 61.54
10.5 Total Expenses: 61.76 60.14 60.39 55.50 54.53 51.47 55.09 70.87 97.19 114.89 153.50 155.62 204.42 241.30 259.08 293.00 332.88 368.81
11.0 Net Profit 0.33 2.12 1.51 0.20 1.04 1.04 6.11 7.00 15.20 20.00 1.56 18.99 5.38 10.75 8.59 18.06 17.14 5.63
12.0 Provision Balance 50.69 61.59 66.45 70.17 63.18 64.40 60.68 49.35 41.12 40.42 67.98 80.09 82.37 76.70 91.21 106.88 122.66 128.22
13.0 Bad Debt 0.42 1.32 4.45 4.15 15.89 9.41 13.31 26.36 30.40 24.69 10.78 7.31 22.11 17.36 12.38 18.33 40.91 56.38
14.0 Bad Debt Recovery 0.13 0.14 0.12 0.20 0.82 1.81 2.28 2.55 12.95 9.17 6.19 14.64 9.71 8.24 4.96 3.87 5.00 8.09
15.0 Accumulated Disbursement
(including housing loans)
2224 2653 2978 3248 3537 3811 4180 4615 5227 5954.02 5199.62 6095.79 7211.45 8445.25 8823.90 10202.52 12188.23 13946.02
16.0 Number of Employees 12628 12850 12427 11028 11841 11709 11855 13049 16142 20885 25283 24240 23283 22255 22128 22261 21851 21807
17.0 Number of Members 2272503 2368347 2357083 2378356 2378601 2483006 3123802 4059632 5579399 6908704 7411229 7670203 7970616 8340623 8372081 8373893 8543977 8640225
18.0 Number of Centres 64701 66712 67691 68467 68591 70928 74703 81609 99502 121755 136619 140976 144106 144619 144095 143061 143057 142613
19.0 Number of Villages 37937 39045 39706 40225 40447 41636 43681 48472 59912 74462 80678 83566 83458 81376 81380 81386 81389 81390
20.0 Number of Branches 1105 1137 1149 1160 1173 1178 1195 1358 1735 2319 2481 2539 2562 2565 2565 2567 2567 2568

Note: Please visit our web site and for more information.

Financial Intermediation Indicators (1997-2014) (In Billion US$)

Particulars Years
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Balance of Deposits 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.23 0.35 0.48 0.63 0.76 0.94 1.21 1.49 1.48 1.63 1.91 2.19
Balance of Loan
(Before Write off up to 2001)
0.31 0.33 0.27 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.28 0.33 0.43 0.48 0.53 0.65 0.79 0.94 0.95 1.03 1.13 1.18
Balance of Borrowings 0.25 0.22 0.23 0.20 0.17 0.12 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Deposit to Loan Ratio 36% 33% 40% 48% 56% 71% 83% 104% 113% 133% 143% 146% 152% 158% 156% 158% 169% 186%
Deposit to Borrowings Ratio 44% 48% 48% 58% 73% 128% 316% 718% 1655% 2384% 2909% 3734% 4990% 6605% 7681% 8930% 10611% 12687%


Pension Benefits Paid to Retiring Staff (1997-2014) (In Million) US$)

Period Number of Retiring Staff Payment of Pension Benifit
Yearly total Cumulative Yearly Total Cumulative
1997 66 301 0.48 2.01
1998 271 572 2.48 4.49
1999 450 1022 4.28 8.77
2000 1502 2524 13.99 22.76
2001 961 3485 9.77 32.53
2002 708 4193 6.38 38.91
2003 593 4786 5.88 44.79
2004 453 5239 3.58 48.37
2005 350 5589 4.82 53.19
2006 598 6187 7.88 61.22
2007 533 6720 7.45 68.66
2008 600 7320 8.60 65.51
2009 341 7661 5.30 82.42
2010 642 8303 16.88 99.30
2011 614 8917 14.21 113.51
2012 405 9322 8.16 121.67
2013 176 9498 3.55 104.44
2014 145 9643 3.63 108.07


Sources of Fund As on 31st December, 2014

Sl. No. Particulars Amount
(In Million US$)
1.0 Borrowings
1.1 Domestic Borrowings
1.1.1 Commercial Bank 0 0
1.2 Foreign Borrowings
1.2.1 Term Loans 10.19
1.2.2 Loans at Perpetuity 7.11 17.30
Total : 17.30
2.0 Deposits
2.1 Borrowers’ Deposits 1365.80
2.2 Non-Borrowers’ Deposits 827.48 2193.28
3.0 Own Fund
3.1 Paid up Capital 10.27
3.2 Capital Reserve 127.04
3.3 Miscellaneous 76.53 213.84
4.0 Other Sources 168.29
Total : 2592.71