Past Five Years at a Glance (2014-2018) In milliom USD
Sl.No Particulars 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Exchange Rate : 1 USD=Taka 77.51 78.78 78.54 82.55 83.90
1.0 Authorised Capital 129.02 126.94 127.32 121.14 119.19
2.0 Own Fund :
2.1  Paid-up Capital 10.27 10.61 10.87 10.44 10.70
2.2  Capital and Other Reserve 127.04 131.90 146.32 162.65 197.12
2.3  Miscellaneous 76.53 73.53 73.19 66.58 71.41
2.4  Total : 213.84 216.04 230.38 239.67 279.23
3.0 Deposits 2193.28 2409.29 2544.02 2523.90 2700.44
4.0 Other Sources of Fund 168.29 162.25 130.42 122.54 134.45
5.0 Borrowings 17.30 16.24 15.49 16.60 27.17
6.0 Assets :
6.1  Loan and Advances (Before Provision) 1182.34 1283.14 1576.64 1841.84 1944.62
6.2  Investment 3.44 3.39 3.32 3.16 3.11
6.3  Cash and Bank Balance 1233.12 1350.74 1198.15 934.79 1060.63
6.4  Fixed Assets 19.70 19.20 19.06 18.18 17.99
6.5  Other Aseets 154.11 147.35 123.14 104.74 114.93
6.6  Total Assets 2592.71 2803.82 2920.31 2902.71 3141.29
7.0 Own Fund as Percentage of
Loan & Advances
18% 17% 15% 13% 14%
8.0 Own Fund and Deposits as
Percentage of Loan & Advances
204% 205% 176% 150% 153%
9.0 Total Income 374.44 397.97 408.90 425.62 471.11
10.0 Expenses :
10.1  Salaries & Other Related Expenses 79.23 96.11 140.40 141.29 140.92
10.2  Interest Expenses 193.61 203.38 193.29 191.64 205.39
10.3  Other Expenses 34.43 32.23 32.15 33.40 40.45
10.4  Provision Expenses 61.54 65.94 25.34 31.73 42.81
10.5  Total Expenses 368.81 397.66 391.18 398.06 429.57
11.0 Net Profit 5.63 0.31 17.72 27.56 41.54
12.0 Provision Balance 128.22 127.95 97.34 90.07 99.27
13.0 Bad Debt 56.38 64.13 56.35 34.25 32.06
14.0 Bad Debt Recovery 8.09 27.90 13.37 13.95 10.21
15.0 Accumulated Disbursement
(including housing loans)
13946.02 15615.42 18050.88 20017.33 22636.96
16.0 Number of Employees 21807 21651 21043 18185 18105
17.0 Number of Members 8640225 8806779 8901610 8934874 9084503
18.0 Number of Centres 142613 142573 142087 140262 138143
19.0 Number of Villages 81390 81392 81395 81400 81677
20.0 Number of Branches 2568 2568 2568 2568 2568
Note : Please Visit our Web Site http://www. for more information.

Financial Intermediation Indicators (In billion USD)
Particulars Year
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Balance of Deposits 2.19 2.41 2.55 2.52 2.70
Balance of Loan & Advances 1.18 1.28 1.58 1.84 1.94
Balance of borrowings 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03
Deposit to Loan Ratio 186% 188% 162% 137% 139%
Deposit to Borrowings Ratio 12687% 14844% 16393% 15208% 9937%

Pension Benefits Paid to Retiring Staff (In million USD)
Period Number of Retiring Staff Payment of Pension Benefit
Yearly Total Cummulative Yearly Total Cummulative
2014 145 9643 3.63 128.85
2015 85 9728 2.40 131.25
2016 416 10144 20.26 151.51
2017 419 10563 18.86 170.37
2018 403 10966 20.05 159.95

Sources of Fund as on 31st December 2018 (In million USD)
Sl.No Particulars Amount
1.0 Borrowings
1.1  Domestic Borrowings
       1.1.1  Commercial Bank 14.16 14.16
1.2 Foreign Borrowings
       1.2.1  Term Loans 6.45
       1.2.2  Loans at Perpetuity 6.56 13.01
Total : 27.17
2.0 Deposits
2.1  Borrowers’ Deposits 1874.90
2.2  Non-Borrowers’ Deposits 825.54 2700.44
3.0 Own Fund
3.1  Paid up Capital 10.70
3.2  Capital & Other Reserve 197.12
3.3  Miscellaneous 71.41 279.23
4.0 Other Sources  134.45
Total : 3141.29