
Persons wishing to receive training should submit a resume/CV and write to the International Program Department, outlining their reasons for wishing to visit Grameen Bank, their expectations, and the length of time they wish to spend with the bank, providing several alternative dates. They should also provide information about their organizations and the persons they expect to send (specifying whether they are male or female, and their age). Please send the requested information with sufficient time, to allow for appropriate planning. The correspondence should be sent to the following address:

General Manager
International Program Department
Grameen Bank
Mirpur Two, Dhaka 1216
Phone/Fax No: 880-2-9007596
Telephone No: 880-2-9007596, 880-2-9013839, 880-2-9005257-69 Ext: 1193
Email: [email protected]

Once the application has been processed, please send a detailed schedule of your stay and your finalized flight itinerary.

Apply Online

Male     Female